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Integration with Pify Form Builder
Edgaras Vaninas avatar
Written by Edgaras Vaninas
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Pify Form Builder is a 3rd part app that provides a number of tools to connect to your customers and get more leads. You can create a lot of different custom forms like Contact Us Form, Account Registration Form, Popup Form, Order Form, Paypal Form, Feedback Form, Inquiry Form, Survery/Research form, Wholesale Order Form, Pre-order Form, Quote Request Form, Discount Code Form or Sales Form and so on.



Integrate Pify Form Builder with Omnisend and pass contact information collected with your Pify Signup forms to Omnisend. Use collected data to segment your customers and personalize your emails.

Setup Process

Step 1. Create an API Key. In Omnisend, go to → Apps → Search for "Pify Form Builder" → Click on "Connect Now" → Copy an API Key.

Step 2. Copy the API key you've created and go to your Pify Form Builder account. Select the form you want to integrate with Omnisend. If you don't have a form yet, create one. Proceed to the Settings tab in your Form editor -> Find Integrations tab -> Select Omnisend -> check the 'Enable Omnisend' checkbox -> paste the API key into the corresponding field:

Step 3. Map all the fields in your Form to the contact properties in Omnisend. Then, Omnisend default contact property names:

  • email;

  • first_name;

  • last_name;

  • phone_number;

  • country;

  • state;

  • city;

  • address;

  • postal_code;

  • gender (Can be: m - male, f - female. If anything else except 'm' or 'f' is passed, contact won't be created)

  • birthdate.

If the question you ask in your form can't be mapped to any of the default contact properties in Omnisend, you can map it to a custom property. For example, if you ask what pet(s) your customers have, you can map it to 'pify_pets' custom property (it's not obligatory to include 'pify' into the custom property name).

Custom Properties Name restrictions:

  • Can contain only Latin characters, numbers, "_" (underscore) sign

  • Max name length - 128 symbols

  • Name is case sensitive

Step 4. Make sure to apply at least 1 contact tag that would allow you to differentiate contacts collected by Pify Forms from al the other contacts in Omnisend. If you have multiple Pify forms, it'd make sense to apply a few tags (e.g. source: pify and pify_form_name). So, you'd know which specific Pify form has been filled out by a contact. If you're adding a few tags, they should be separated with a comma.

Here's an example of correctly mapped properties:

Step 5. Once all the properties are mapped and your form is ready to be launched, make sure to click the 'Save' button for the integration settings to be saved:

Step 6. In Omnisend, check the box that all the steps are done and confirm the changes.

That's it! Any new contacts collected with this Pify Form will be passed to Omnisend along with all the properties you've mapped. If you have multiple Pify forms, you'll need to set up the integration separately for each of them.

Note! If you've collected any contacts with your Pify Forms prior to enabling the integration, they won't be passed through this integration, but since all the contacts collected with Pify Form Builder are synced to Shopify, they'll passed to Omnisend from Shopify anyway.

What Data is Passed

Only new contacts are passed to Omnisend through the Pify<>Omnisend integration. Here are the contact properties that will/can be passed through the integration:

  • email (subscribed or non-subscribed status, depends on the marketing status collected in Pify);

  • phone_number (if collected and mapped, passed non-subscribed status);

  • first_name (if collected and mapped);

  • last_name (if collected and mapped);

  • country (if collected and mapped);

  • state (if collected and mapped);

  • city (if collected and mapped);

  • postal_code (if collected and mapped);

  • address (if collected and mapped);

  • gender (if collected and mapped);

  • birthdate (if collected and mapped);

  • any_custom_property (if collected and mapped);

  • tags: all the custom tags that you'll enter on the Omnisend integration settings page.

Sending Follow-up Email to Pify subscribers

To send automated emails to Pify contacts create a segment based on the tag you've added in the form settings. In our example form, we've applied 'source: pify' tag. So, that's the one we'll use:

If you want to send different automated emails to customers that come from different Pify Forms, you'll need to apply custom tags in the Omnisend Integration Settings and create separate segments based on each of those tags.

Once the segment is created, create an automation workflow based on Contact enters a segment trigger, and select your segment as trigger filter.

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