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Frequency Settings in Automations

Manage the timing of your automated messages with the Frequency setting

Ira avatar
Written by Ira
Updated over a month ago

The Frequency setting in Omnisend’s Automation Trigger helps you avoid sending too many similar messages to your contacts in a short period of time.

It’s a simple way to control how often contacts can enter the same workflow, making your messaging more thoughtful and less repetitive.

Pro Tips for Getting Started

  1. Start simple. Use the default 1-day setting for browsing automations and test it before adjusting to longer timeframes.

  2. Keep it balanced. Think about your customer experience—timing matters. Too many emails too soon can lead to unsubscribes.

  3. Review regularly. Check-in on your workflows every few months to see if the Frequency settings still make sense for your goals.

How to Set Up the Frequency

To enable the Frequency setting, click on the Trigger block in your Automaton workflow and scroll all the way down. Once enabled, you can choose how often a contact can trigger a workflow:

  • Anytime in the past (prevents the contact from re-entering at all)

  • In the last X hours, days, or weeks (you choose the time frame)

This option is available for all automations. Most workflows have this disabled by default, but for those based on browsing behavior, it's turned on and set to 1 day.

💡Quick Tip: Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

Sending too many messages too quickly can annoy your customers. Use the Frequency setting to limit how often they receive communications, especially during busy times like sales or product launches.

Prevent Overlapping Workflows

The Skip Contacts who are currently in or have recently completed other automations feature allows you to prevent contacts from entering a new workflow if they are already in another one or have recently completed one. This stops multiple automations from firing at once and helps ensure your customers won’t receive too many emails at the same time.

With this feature, you have more control over how often your customers receive emails. Moreover, it prevents overlapping or repetitive messages, giving your customers a better experience.

💡 Quick Tip: Avoid Overloading Your Customers

If a customer has triggered your Abandoned Cart automation, you might not want them to immediately trigger another similar email (like Browse Abandonment). Use the Frequency setting to space out your messages and keep your contacts engaged—not overwhelmed.

Browsing Behavior

Customers often return to the same product page multiple times before making a purchase. Without the Frequency setting, they might receive multiple emails each time they visit, which can feel repetitive.

For automations like Browse Abandonment, enabling the Frequency setting ensures you’re not sending the same reminder too often. A well-timed email can be much more effective than several emails in a short span.

Automations are great because they run automatically, but it’s important to ensure your customers don’t see the same content repeatedly. If a contact triggered the Abandoned Cart workflow yesterday, sending them the same message today might not be useful. Adjust the Frequency to keep your content fresh and relevant.

Need Help?

If you have any questions, our Support Team is available to help. You can reach out via in-app chat or email us at [email protected].

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