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Integration with Formidable Forms
Daryna avatar
Written by Daryna
Updated over 11 months ago

Omnisend for Formidable Forms Add-On integrates Formidable Forms with Omnisend and allows building simple contact forms or complex multi-page forms with file uploads, conditional logic, and calculations. Then, display collected data with views and graphs. Get far more than just WordPress forms.

Before You Start

Before You Start

Before integrating Formidable Forms with Omnisend, you should do the following:

Setup Process

Step 1. First, go to Plugins → Add New Plugin → Search for Omnisend for Formidable Forms Add-On, and install the plugin.

Step 2. Go back to Plugins → find it → click Activate. It should be active along with the original Formidable Forms plugin.

As a result, you should see Formidable Forms appear on the left-side panel.

What Data is Passed

Once Omnisend for Formidable Forms Add-On is installed and enabled, you can start setting up your forms. Here's the list of values that can be passed to Omnisend:

  • Email;

  • Phone number;

  • First name;

  • Last name;

  • Birthday;

  • Address;

  • City;

  • State;

  • Country;

  • Zip / Postal code;

  • Any custom property*;

  • "formidable_forms" tag along with the tag of the specific form.

*Any unmapped property will be passed to Omnisend as a custom property for segmentation and/or automation.

Setting Up Your First Form

Step 1. Go to Formidable Forms → Add New.

Step 2. Select one template from all available, or create a form from scratch.

Step 3. On the Build tab, you can add fields you'd like to your form.

You must drag and drop them; some can be easily deleted in case you have added something wrong. You can also make some fields required or not. Add field labels and placeholder text to identify different text fields. To collect consent, you can utilize checkboxes.

There's also an option to use the dropdown field and bulk-add all countries to select from, but such data will be passed as a custom property to Omnisend. We'll sync this data to Omnisend's system property if the country is typed manually in a text field.

In the same way, for Birthday, you should use a text field, and the data should be provided in "day-month-year" format.

❗ Important. Please note that phone numbers should be filled in international format (+ - country code - phone number itself). So, you can leave a note near the respective field as a placeholder text or description.

Here's a step-by-step video that shows Step 3.

To finalize, click "Update" and proceed to the next step.

Step 4. On the Style tab, you can edit the styles of your buttons, description, placeholder text, success and error messages, and much more!

Feel free to explore Help docs if you have any other questions on setting up a Formidable Form.

Step 5. On the Settings tab, you're interested in checking Omnisend settings.

Check the box "Send form data to Omnisend," and send a Welcome email through Omnisend if you are willing.

Then map the fields in your form with the system fields in Omnisend profiles. If some fields aren't mapped, a custom property will be created starting with the "formidable_forms_+field label name."

That's why if you have several text fields, you need to name them differently to differentiate on this step.

Make sure to click update to save the changes.

Step 6. When all fields are added and mapped, previewing the form is an option.

If you like it, click embed to add it to your website.

Then, go with one of the options available, as shown in the screenshot.

At the end, click "Insert form," you'll be redirected to the desired page to preview your form the last time.

Double-check the form you are embedding if you have several, and click "Update" at the end.

That's it; after the form is published, contacts subscribing to it will automatically appear in your Omnisend audience.


Why can't I send SMS messages to contacts collected with my Formidable Forms form?
Check if phone numbers are in international format with (+country code...) in front. Since we offer worldwide SMS service, we only support phone numbers in international format.

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