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Email Safe Fonts

Learn about fonts that can be used on your campaigns and automation emails

Paulius avatar
Written by Paulius
Updated over a week ago

Omnisend allows you to use quite a big number of fonts on your campaigns and Automation emails. However, there are a couple of things you should know before you start using custom fonts for your campaigns.

Email, very similar to the web, has a list of fonts that are considered to be safe to use. Therefore, by using them, all of your subscribers will see your texts the same way.

Technically, you can use any font you like in an email, but if your subscribers don’t have that font available on their device, they are not going to see it. To make sure these missing fonts are replaced with similar ones, we use fallback fonts. Fallback fonts are ones that will be shown in case a certain custom font is not available on a particular device.

This means that you are safe to choose either of the fonts and be sure that, no matter what device your customers use, your newsletters will look good everywhere.

Where will the custom (not email-safe) fonts be available?

  • Apple iPhone

  • Apple iPad

  • Apple Mail on OS X

According to Litmus, this covers up to about half of your subscribers. Read more about safe email fonts.

Below, you can find a complete table of fonts supported on Omnisend with a comprehensive list of fallback fonts, so you would know, what to expect.

  • Email-safe fonts come pre-loaded on nearly every computer or device:

  • Custom fonts only work in some email clients, where they aren’t supported, the font falls back to a different variant:


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