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Promotion Signup Form

Learn how to build Promotional forms in Omnisend

Ira avatar
Written by Ira
Updated over a week ago

A promotion form is a form designed to promote a special offer. A site-wide sale, free shipping, new products, product suggestions, or even cross-selling are good examples. No one will miss your promotions again with Omnisend. Our pop-up templates will address all your promotional needs.

Setup Process

To create a promotion form, navigate to Forms Create formStyle Promotional Links Pick the template.

There's a variety of Promotion form templates available in the Forms library to suit your needs.

This will take you to the next step, where you will be able to edit the contents of your form and adjust it to fit your promotion. The main features of Form Builder are Items (otherwise called Blocks), Layouts, Behavior, and Theme settings.

Form Settings

Theme Settings

This tab allows you to customize the form's design and pick the default design settings you want to use.

Form layout allows you to:

  • Change the display type between popup, landing page, embedded, and flyout form. This is especially useful when using the same design for multiple form types. Just copy the initial form and change the display type.

  • Change the width of the form to fit any screen (range of 300 to 1000px);

  • Change the background image placement to allow for the image to be rendered next to your form. Options include Image Left, Image Right, Image Top, Background Image, and without Image.

If you decide to use a background image, you'll be prompted to select the image file and choose the image's width to either fill the space or fit the form's size.

Colors settings allow you to change:

  • Form overlay color;

  • Form color;

  • Link color.

Button settings allow you to define and style your form's buttons:

Field settings allow you to define and style your form's fields. Please note that the promotion form doesn't have any input fields, but if you wish to add an email or phone number field to your form Field settings will help style them.

Close settings allow you to adjust settings to customize the close button style and enable the option to close the form by clicking outside of it.

Behavior Settings

This tab will help you set up your form's behavior, basically when and where the form appears.

Audience management settings are helpful when your form has an input field to collect contacts, as all contacts that submit the form will get the same tag assigned to them which can help in further segmentation. Read more about contact tags here.

You can also enable double opt-in here.

Scheduling allows you to schedule your popup to be visible in defined timeframes. Here, you can choose a start date, and your form will start working automatically on this day only if you are preparing a form for a campaign that has not started yet.

If you are running a sale with a strict end date, choose an end date for your form, which will be turned off automatically.

If you already know when your marketing campaign starts and ends, just choose start and end dates, and the form will be available only between those dates.

Display settings will help you decide when you want to show this form to a visitor. You can base it on:

  • Page visits - set the number of pages the visitor has to view for the form to appear;

  • Time on page - set the amount of time (in seconds) that the visitor needs to spend on your website page for the form to appear;

  • Scroll depth - set the percentage of how far the visitor needs to scroll on the page for the form to appear;

  • Exit intent - set the form as exit intent if you want the form to appear when the visitor is about to leave the page. This setting will work on desktops, tablets, and phones. It is based on scroll speed, so when users are quickly scrolling up the page, forms with exit intent display enabled will be shown.

Note! You can use all display options at once, but we advise keeping it simple.


Targeting settings allow you to display the form only for specific customer groups and/or on a specific URL of your store or/and not to display the form of a particular URL.

Visitor targeting options include:

  • All Visitors. Show your form to everyone who lands on your website.

  • Don't Show to Existing Contacts. Exclusively target new visitors and potential leads, leaving your existing subscribers untouched.

  • Show to Existing Contacts. Provide exclusive offers and updates to your loyal subscribers.

  • Target by Specific Segment. Include or exclude specific segments to see or not to see your form.

Page targeting options therefore include:

  • It appears on the URL, which displays the form on a specific page or page that contains a specific UTM.

  • It does not appear on a URL that doesn't display on a specific page or page with a specific UTM.

  • Appears on pages for out-of-stock products.

Frequency settings define the time form will appear again if the visitor didn’t subscribe after the form was displayed. You can decide not to show the form again after interacting with it for:

  • A number of days limit;

  • A number of hours limit.

A/B test is a powerful feature that allows you to experiment with different variations of your popup forms to optimize their performance.


Choose from all the different types of layouts → drag&drop them to the place to form content. Once you add a specific layout, you can start adding blocks right to it.

On the left sidebar, you will be able to select and drag&drop specific content items right to your form content.

There are different Items you can add to your form. Customize your signup forms with our drag-and-and-drop Items. Add or edit text, buttons, input fields, wheel of fortune, and more using Items. Check more information on what Items can be added to your form in the guide below:

Undo and Redo Buttons

You can redo/undo the changes you made to the form using the buttons in the top right corner. There are unlimited undo steps, so you can get to the beginning of designing with the possibility of starting from scratch.

Note! Reloading the page restarts the feature, so undo history will be lost.

Once you finalize editing your form, click Enable to make it live or Save and Close to save it as a draft 🚀

Still, have any questions? Feel free to contact our support team at [email protected].

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