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Walkthrough: Meet New Email Sending Rules
Ira avatar
Written by Ira
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the guide on ensuring compliance with the new requirements for bulk email senders set by Gmail and Yahoo.

Our product wizard will walk you through the necessary steps to meet the stricter criteria, ensuring your emails are not rejected or marked as spam.

Background Information

Starting February 2024, Google and Yahoo are implementing stricter requirements for bulk email senders. These changes are aimed at reducing spam in users' inboxes. Whether you are a high-volume sender or a smaller sender, these changes apply to everyone.

Imagine you haven't done anything yet to meet the new Gmail and Yahoo requirements. Don't worry—our wizard will prompt you only for the steps you need to take.

We'll guide you through the technical details, ensuring you comply with the changes. Let's get started!

💡 You will only be asked to finish the steps you have not completed.

Step 1. Add & authenticate the custom sender domain

Ensure proper authentication of the sender domain to meet new requirements.

Add a custom domain or verify DMARC if your domain is already in place. For this, click on View ActionsAdd domain in the wizard and proceed with the steps outlined.

  1. In order to sign your own domain, click + Add sender domain button.

  2. Provide the exact domain (or sub-domain) you want to use for your Campaigns and/or Automation.

  3. You will find the generated SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. On the Domain authentication page, you will be provided with the records you need to add to the settings page of your DNS provider. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for new DNS settings to become active.

  4. Once added to DNS, click Verify records.

5. Once your records are verified, you'll see a "Verified" tag next to each record shown in green.

Explanation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC:

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework) specifies authorized mail servers for the domain.

  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) digitally signs emails to prevent alteration.

  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is a framework for handling emails failing authentication, including reporting mechanisms. Ensure a valid DMARC record with at least a "none" policy.

Step 2. Verify the sender email address that matches your domain

Once you have completed step 1, click View Actions again. Create an email that matches the custom domain you chose for sending. Click Verify email → Add email address on the domain you have just added in the first step and click Confirm. A verification email will be sent to this email address. Click on the link in the email to verify the email address.

Please be aware that Omnisend does not create an email address for you. You should create it in your DNS provider and then add it to Omnisend. Once you have created an email address, you need access to its inbox to verify it.

It's a must to transition to an email address on your branded custom domain. Make sure to prioritize establishing credibility with custom domain addresses for more professional and trustworthy email outreach. We recommend using an email based on your store domain, for example, [email protected].

Step 3. Confirm email to send campaigns & automations

Choose whether you want us to set your recently verified personal domain and sender email as the default or if you prefer to do it yourself. Click View Actions → confirm you want to use your sender email for campaigns and automation by clicking Yes, I want.

If you select No, I don't want - you will need to set up the sender email for each campaign and automation manually.

Congratulations on completing the steps to ensure compliance with Gmail and Yahoo's bulk email sender requirements. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. For more details and additional information, refer to the Main Guide.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

If you don't meet these requirements, messages might be rejected or delivered to recipients' spam folders. These changes are set to roll out gradually from February 2024, allowing for optimization based on industry feedback.


What happens if I don't comply with the new requirements?

Failure to comply may result in your messages being rejected or sent to recipients' spam folders. It's essential to follow the steps outlined to avoid these issues.

I'm a smaller sender; do these changes apply to me?

Yes, the changes apply to all senders, regardless of the volume. Everyone must implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication, have a valid sender email address, and maintain low spam rates.

What if I've already taken some of these steps? Will I be prompted to repeat them?

No, the wizard is designed to prompt you only for the steps you haven't completed. It aims to streamline the process and ensure you focus on what's needed.

Can I skip any steps if they seem unnecessary for my situation?

Each step is essential for compliance. Skipping steps may lead to issues with email delivery. Follow the guide sequentially to ensure comprehensive compliance.

Is there ongoing support if I encounter issues during the process?

Yes, if you encounter any difficulties or have specific questions, reach out to our support team for assistance. We are always here for you at [email protected].

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