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Cross-Sell Segment
Ira avatar
Written by Ira
Updated over a year ago

If you are already thinking about post-purchase communication with your contacts, what can help you better than the information about their chosen products? Using Omnisend, you may create a variety of Segments based on different characteristics of the products your customers have purchased.

The most straightforward and forward way to create a Cross-sell Segment is to specify the product in the Segment settings.

It might be an option if you have a limited number of offerings. Otherwise, you may Segment your contacts based on the category, tag, or vendor.

The list of product-specific filters includes but is not limited to:

Product collection (Raw/Product/Collections/Title)
Product collection ids (Raw/Product/Collections/Id)
Product ID (Raw/Product Id)
Product tags (Raw/Product/Tags)
Product title (Raw/Title)
Product variant name (Raw/Variant Title)
Product vendor (Raw/Vendor)

By combining different rules, you may identify what products your high-order value customers choose or which categories are the most popular. Сonsider building your segments and targeting related products or frequently bought together.

Remember, Segments are only one part of the functionality Omnisend is offering. After analyzing your contacts activity with Segments, you may use these data in your Automation workflows. Offer different products with the A/B test feature and check what works better.

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