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Integration with Sufio
Edgaras Vaninas avatar
Written by Edgaras Vaninas
Updated over 11 months ago

Sufio is a 3rd party app that automatically generates invoices for orders placed on your Shopify store. In addition to that, it provides invoice templates that were designed by professional designers, which help you to stand out. By integrating this app with Omnisend, you will be able to add View in the browser and Download links to the body of your automated workflow emails, e.g., the Order Confirmation.



Sending emails to your customers should be effective. You don't necessarily have to send invoices to your customers in separate emails. Instead, you can include links to view, download, print, or pay your invoices online and make customer's experience even smoother.

You may also benefit from using an advanced flows logic that Omnisend is offering. You can add Conditional Splits to send different messages to your first purchasers or VIP clients, as well as add a Discount or other interactions to the content of the message.

Moreover, you can set up an A/B testing for the Automation workflows that will help you understand how your content is performing. After checking the reports and testing a few strategies, you can optimize your workflows with the best performing features.

💬 There is a vast number of email options you can choose from and build.

Setup process

The integration with Sufio is as simple as adding a few lines of code to the body of your message. First of all, you will need to create Order automation in your Omnisend account. The trigger for such automation should be set to Order Placed or Order status changed with a filter if applicable. The choice will depend on the status that your Order has when this automation should be sent and when the invoice link is generated in Sufio.

If you want to send the invoice when the Order is Paid, you should set the trigger to Order Placed -> Paid, in case it should be sent after the Order is fulfilled — Order Status Changed -> Fulfilled.

Only when the trigger is set to either one of these, the data for the Invoice link is available in the Email message content.

The online version of the invoice

You can add a link that will redirect the customer to an online version of their invoice to your automated email. This will let them print, download, or even pay their unpaid invoices with a credit card via an integrated payment gateway.

If you'd like to add the link to an online version of the invoice to your email, please, use the following code:


PDF version of the invoice

You can direct your customers to a PDF version of their invoice, which can be either downloaded or printed. To achieve that, please, use the following code in your email:


Note! The PDF version of the invoice does not allow the customers to pay their invoices online with their credit cards.

Also, make sure to add the Sufio app to the 'Connected Apps' list, once you've added the links to your Order-related automation workflows in Omnisend. Go to the Sufio integration page -> check the 'I have completed all steps' box -> click the 'Connect now' button:

💡 Idea

You can use our Button block to insert the invoice link into it. Using this method, you'll provide your customers with a visible and lovely way to open their PDF or online version of the invoice.

That's it! Once the automation is triggered, Omnisend syncs the information and appends the link to Sufio invoices.

If you have any questions or any assistance, do not hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected].

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