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Integration with Alloy

Learn how to integrate Omnisend with Alloy to build workflows

Edgaras Vaninas avatar
Written by Edgaras Vaninas
Updated over a year ago

In this article, you'll learn how to integrate Omnisend with the Alloy platform. Alloy is an eCommerce automation platform that allows brands to build workflows between many of the apps in their tech stack such as Shopify, Google Drive, Intercom. Once you’ve connected Alloy to Omnisend account, simply choose from the library of automations and customize as you see fit.



Connect Omnisend with more than 100 apps from Alloy integrations directory to pass data to Omnisend.

Available Omnisend events:

  • Get a contact (by contactID), Find by Email, List Contacts (get all contacts from a specific segment, with a specific subscription status, etc.), Create a contact, Update a contact;

  • Get a cart (get info about abandoned cart from Omnisend), List carts (get all abandoned carts created by customers from a specific segment or all abandoned carts before/after a specific date or with a total sum more/less than X, etc.), Create a cart (pass new abandoned cart to Omnisend), Replace Cart, Update Cart, Add product (add a product to an existing cart inside Omnisend), Replace product, Update product, Delete product, Delete Cart;

  • Get Order, List orders, Create new order, Replace order, Update order, Delete order;

  • Get campaign's details, List campaigns, Get campaign's contact details, List campaign contacts, Start sending campaign emails, Delete campaign;

  • Get product's info, List products, Create product, Replace product, Delete product;

  • Get product's category, List categories, Create categories, Replace category, Delete category;

  • Get custom event, List custom events, Create custom event, Trigger custom event;

  • Create batch (create multiple contacts/orders/carts/products/events/categories at once), Get batch, List batches, Get Batch item, List Batch items

How to set up the integration

Go to the Omnisend App Market and search for Alloy or you can simply open this page:

Once you're on the Alloy integration page, click the 'Connect now' button:

The API key will be generated automatically. Copy it and proceed to the Alloy account, but don't click the 'Confirm' button and don't close the page yet.

Once you have the API key, create a new workflow in Alloy (you can start from scratch or use one of the recipes that include the Omnisend block already).

Inside the workflow editor, you'll need to select the trigger as 1st block inside your workflow. It'll identify when this workflow should work (e.g. trigger this workflow once an hour or every time new order is placed in Shopify).

Choose Omnisend as the second block in your workflow by clicking on the + icon next to the trigger:

Choose any action that you want to happen inside Omnisend, when the workflow is triggered inside the Alloy, such as Create Contact:

In the next step, click 'Add a new account' and paste your Omnisend credentials into the field then press Validate

Proceed to the next step and fill in all the fields that you want to pass to Omnisend.

The last step is to go back to the Alloy page in the App Market and click 'Confirm':

If you still have any questions or need any assistance, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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