Notify Me! Back in Stock|PreOrder allows your customers to subscribe to restock notifications on out-of-stock products. You can enable a stock alert subscription for specific out-of-stock products and send an automatic email/SMS/push when products restock. The app maintains a separate grid to list all subscribers with their current subscription status, products subscribed for, and more. Back in Stock allows your customers to subscribe to restock notifications on out-of-stock products. You can enable a stock alert subscription for specific out-of-stock products and send an automatic email/SMS/push when products restock. The app maintains a separate grid to list all subscribers with their current subscription status, products subscribed for, and more.
Setup Process
Firstly, create an API key. To do this click on your brand name in the top right corner -> Store settings:
Click on the 'API keys' section:
Then click the 'Create API Key' button:
Enter the name of your API key, keep default settings, and click 'Create API key':
Then you can go ahead and proceed to your Notify me! Back in stock alerts account settings - > Integration:
Click the 'Connect' button under the Omnisend logo:
Paste the API key into the corresponding field and click 'Save':
The Omnisend integration will be enabled.
What Data is Passed
After connecting Notify me! Back in stock alerts app with Omnisend this checkbox will be added to your request form and the email of those who have this checked when submitting a request will be added to your Omnisend account.
Fields passed to Omnisend from Notify me! Back in stock alerts:
email address (subscribed)
email opt-in date
tag 'restock'