One Click Social Login is a 3rd party app that allows you to provide automatic signup and sign-in integration with the following social networks:
Google One Tap Login
Before you start
One Click Social Login app is available for Shopify stores only. Also, keep in mind that this article only explains how to set up an integration between Omnisend and One Click Social Login, but to do that, you'll need to set up One Click Social Login account first. You can find One Click Social Login FAQ section here.
Setup Process
Step 1. Create an API Key. In Omnisend, go to → Apps → Search for "Oneclick Social Login" → Click on "Connect Now" → Copy an API Key.
Step 2. Copy it and head to your One Click Social Login account. Open the Integrations tab and paste the API key into the corresponding field. Then click the Save button.
Step 3. In Omnisend, check the box that all the steps are done and confirm the changes.
That's it! The integration is enabled and all the contacts collected by One Click Social Login will be passed to Omnisend.
What data is passed
Whenever any client creates an account in your store using one of the Social Networks:
This contact data will be synced to Omnisend:
Email address (non-subscribed status)
First name
Last name
Tag 'social'
Follow-up email to contacts that signup via One Click Social Login
To send an automatical email to customers that create an account using One Click Social Login, create a segment based on the tag 'social':
Then create a custom Automation Workflow with 'Contact enters a segment' trigger. Use the segment that you've created as trigger filter:
Then add an email block to this workflow and edit the content. It's up to you how to design the email, but make sure to mention that this email is sent to customer, because they've created an account in your store. Also, you can ask them to subscribe to your newsletter using our Preference Management page. Here's a simple example how you can add it to the Text block: