Contact profiles are designed to help you achieve successful marketing by tracking your audience's engagement. With Omnisend, you can track what your contacts are interested in, what pages and products they view, what they buy or intend to buy, and more.
Before You Begin
In the contact profile, you can find all the activity of customers who have already subscribed to your newsletters. You can see events your user went through. This info is visible on a single contact level, meaning that you will see this data for each separate contact on their contact profile. It is available for users on all platforms, and you can use the feature if you are on a Free, Standard, or Pro plan.
Please note that you can collect push notifications subscribers as standalone contacts. We also merge the email/SMS information provided during the checkout process with the push contact, avoiding the creation of separate contacts and potential price inflation.
Event data will give you a profile view of your contacts that you can use for smart marketing. You can then send Browse abandonment emails or Product abandonment to get your contact to return and make the purchase. You can read more about different automation emails available on Omnisend here.
Moreover, you can analyze in depth what your contacts are most interested in, which products are trending, and which do not generate enough interest. Analyzing contact behavior with Omnisend can truly help you increase sales!
You can see what emails, SMS, and push notifications are sent to the subscribers on their profiles. Sent/opened/clicked events, all subscription channels - email/SMS/push notifications, and both campaigns and automations are supported.
Using Customer Profiles
You can view contact profiles by going to Audience and choosing a specific contact or a contact within a segment.
Once you are on the Contact Profile Page, see the Contact activity timeline
You can check full contact activity by default or filter results out by following events that are divided into four categories (engagement, products, orders, and custom events):
Clicked on message
Opened message
Received message
Viewed page
Opted in
Opted out
Message sent
Marked message as spam
Message delivery failed
Added product to cart
Ordered product
Viewed product category
Viewed product
Applied coupon
Canceled order
Had order shipped
Paid for order
Placed order
Refunded order
Starter checkout
Custom events
Custom events
Important note: see below the events you will see based on the ecommerce platform you use:
Using Event Details
To access all event data easily, click on Event Details next to the event. Then, use the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the information and later paste it into your preferred platform. This feature is especially useful for API customers to verify data accuracy without relying on API logs.