Identified contacts store activity events tracking is available for Free, Standard, and Pro plan customers. Events in the Live view feed are shown for the last 7 days.
The events Omnisend tracks for each of the ecommerce platforms differ:
To track live view events in the platforms we have native integration with (Shopify, Bigcommerce, Woocommerce) one of these conditions should be met:
Customer has Omnisend cookies in his/her browser. Cookies can be added:
- after customer has signed up via Omnisend Signup form;
- clicked on a link in one of the messages sent by Omnisend that brought him to your website;
- after customer has placed first order (for Woocommerce stores only).
Customer is logged in to the store account;
Customer enters email at the checkout.
For API-connected stores, to enable Omnisend to track events, additional steps are required.
Each of these conditions lets Omnisend track different live view events in the platforms we have native integration with:
| Shopify | Bigcommerce | Woocommerce |
Cookies |
Customer is logged in to the store account |
Customer enters email at the checkout |
For API stores, it's up to your developers to set up which live view events will be tracked when customer has cookies in the browser/customer is logged in to the store account/customer enters email at the checkout.
Before you begin
Live View can track your contact activity only if the store is connected to Omnisend.
If you're using any other store platform except Shopify, Bigcommerce or Woocommerce, etc., you'll need to finish the front-end integration before Live Views starts working. To do that, you need to add code snippets to the HTML source code of your website right before the closing </body> tags. A step-by-step guide can be found here: Front-end integration.
Using Live View
Live View is a Section available in the Dashboard tab of your account.
The data shown in the Live View can be filtered based on the different events.
You can filter results by any event type you want. You can go one step further and get information about the exact action performed by the customer.
Some of the events presented in the list might not be available on your Live View if those events cannot be tracked in your store.
List view
When we are able to track, the list of events will provide you with detailed data on who, what, and when it was done on your website.
Contact activity
If you want to dive deeper into the contact's activity, just click on the contact's name.
You'll be redirected to the customer profile page, where you'll see more specific details about the contact's activity, such as orders, products, and marketing activity.
Data displaying and load
Data will refresh every 5 seconds, and a maximum of 50 new events will be loaded at once.
Check these articles to know how you can reach those customers that have visited your site recently:
Still have questions? Contact our Support team at [email protected] - or via In-app chat; we are available 24/7.