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Discount Item: Shopify and BigCommerce Stores

Learn how the Discount works on Shopify and BigCommerce platforms in Email Builder

Ira avatar
Written by Ira
Updated this week

Omnisend offers various ways to provide discounts to your customers. With the help of Discount Item, you can generate unique discount codes in your Shopify and BigCommerce platforms and share them in your Omnisend emails.

If your store is not on Shopify or BigCommerce, jump to the dedicated article.


Discount item setup

To add a Discount to your email, select Quick add on the left-hand sidebar β†’ Drag and drop it to email:

Once you add a Discount to the email, you can edit the code settings.

Under the Discount tab, you will find the general settings, where the content of the item and the discount conditions can be changed.

Discount type and Value type

The first option available in the menu allows you to choose the type of discount:

  • Cart discount - specify the percentage off or specific amount off (the amount will be set in your store's currency) and expiry period.

  • Free shipping - provides free shipping with a specific expiry date.

You can also apply the discount to all products, minimum order price (the amount will be set in your store's currency), and specific collections.


Gmail Annotations are a feature specifically designed for promotional emails. They allow you to include additional information about your promotions. This additional information is displayed in the recipient's inbox, making your email more noticeable.

Here's what it looks like in your customers' inboxes.

Expiry period and Date format

After selecting the type and value of the discount, you can also provide an expiry period. The expiration period starts when the message with the discount is sent and ends at the end of the day + Expiration period, both in your Omnisend account time zone.

For example, if you send a message with a discount that expires in 1 day at 3:21 PM EDT on one day, the start time in EDT is set to 8:21 AM (3:21 in EET), and the end time is 4:59 PM (11:59 PM EET) on the next day.

In other words, the discount is valid for one day, plus hours left by the end of the other.


You can limit the number of times the same customer can use the discount by checking the box Limit discount usage. You can also limit the number of times the same discount code can be used in total (applicable for email campaigns only, where all users get the same discount code).


Button settings allow editing of the text, link, style, and alignment of the button. Note that the button link is the link your customers will be taken to after they click it. Per default, it's your store's homepage, but you can use any link you want.

You can also select to apply the Shopify discount link for your button. When this option is checked, the customer is redirected to your store's home page, and the discount code is applied automatically when the customer proceeds to checkout.

This is the only scenario when clicking on the discount button within the Discount will apply the discount automatically.


As the discount Item is fully customizable, you will be able to select your brand colors to apply to the item as well.

To access more color options, click on the + sign. You can type in the hex color code and select any color you like using the color picker.

Layout tab

The layout tab provides an overview of discount paddings that you can adjust to manage the item's position. You can select the background color here as well.

Once you finalize editing the Discount, it will be auto-saved, so you can proceed with editing your email further πŸš€

Discount codes are an excellent approach to attracting new customers while demonstrating gratitude to loyal and long-term customers. Sharing discounts with your customers has never been easier. Simply add a discount Item to your email and make your email marketing relevant!

Auto-generated discount in Campaigns (single code per Campaign)

If you add the Discount to your campaign, one unique discount code will be created for that particular campaign, which means that all campaign recipients will receive the same discount code.

A placeholder of XXXX-XXXX-XXXX will be shown during the setup process, and the code will be added from your store's admin automatically once you send the campaign.

Important! The test emails will still show the XXXX-XXXX-XXXX placeholder, as the discount code isn't generated when you send the test email.

In Shopify admin, the discount code will be displayed in the following way:

In BigCommerce, the discount code will be generated under the Marketing β†’ Coupon Codes section and will look in the following way:

Here you may see that the discount code can be used many times but only once per customer's email address, as it is set by default.

Auto-generated discount in Automation workflows (single code per customer)

If you add the Discount to your automation, every single message will have a custom, unique discount code for each time the email is sent. In other words, all recipients will get a unique discount code.

The placeholder of XXXX-XXXX-XXXX will appear during setup, and the actual discount will appear when the email is sent.

In Shopify, these codes will have the following settings:

In BigCommerce, they look as follows:

If you add the discount item to each workflow message, different codes will be generated. Although you won't be able to send a reminder for the same code, you may set the expiration date for the discount equal to the delay between messages.

Important! The automation test emails will still show the XXXX-XXXX-XXXX placeholder, as the discount code isn't generated when you send the test email.


Can the format of the auto-generated discount be changed?

The format of the code generated in the Discount cannot be changed. Nevertheless, you can create your own code on your store's admin and then insert it in your email as a Text item that can be customized so that it will look just like the Discount does.

Will I see the discount code in my Shopify/BigCommerce admin?

Yes, the discount code will be created in your Shopify or BigCommerce admin after sending the email.

Can I change the Discount settings after the email is sent?

You may find the discount code in your store admin and change its settings. Omnisend only presents the discount to the customer. However, make sure to keep the discount code itself the same, as it won't be updated in your clients' email inboxes.

Is there any other way to offer unique discount codes to my customers?

You may also upload a list of the Discount codes and assign them as custom properties to your customers' profiles and add it as personalization.

Can I use multiple discount codes in a single email?

Ensure that only one unique discount code is generated per email; placing multiple unique codes will result in all of them using the same code based on the first block configuration.

To use different unique discount codes with different conditions, place them in separate emails.

Can I stack or combine discounts?

Currently, Omnisend discounts cannot be combined with other discounts (product, order, shipping). This capability will be available in the second half of 2024.

While this feature might already be present in some accounts, if you can't find combining settings in your account yet, don't worry. They'll be added in the future because this feature is still in beta.

If you have any other questions, reach out to our Support Team via an in-app chat or at [email protected].

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