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Campaigns: FAQ

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Written by Ira
Updated over a week ago

Can I leave my preheader empty?

While adding text to the preheader area of an email is not mandatory, it's important to note that the preheader area cannot appear as empty. Instead, the email content will be pulled to fill the available space. Currently, we don't have the option to leave the preheader area explicitly empty.

For example, leaving the preheader empty as shown in the screenshot below:

We will pull the top content of the email to this line that you see in your inbox. Once received, you will see that the preheader line is prefilled with content from your email.

What's an unsubscribe page? How can I set it up? How does it work?

An unsubscribe page is a page that is shown to your customer once they click the Unsubscribe link in your email. Unsubscribe instruction with the unsubscribe link is automatically added to the Footer block in the promotional newsletters. You can only customize the wording for the Unsubscribe instruction. You can only edit the link placement and design or add an unsubscribe link to a button.

Once the link is clicked, your customer will be redirected to the unsubscribe page, where they need to confirm that they would like to unsubscribe. Once confirmed, their subscription status will change to unsubscribed in your Audience.

What's the difference between items and layout when building an email? How do I change paddings for separate items within one layout? How can I edit items separate from the layout?

Layouts, which determine the overall structure of the email, can be thought of as its backbone. Items are placed within the layout. The same layout can have multiple items added to it at the same time.

To edit the padding or any other part of an Item within the layout, you need to select the item first and edit it within the first tab on the right side, which is called after the name of the Item (Text, Button, etc.) The second tab, which is called Layout, is dedicated to the overall Layout containing all Items within it.

Example 1: Edit paddings of Text Item within one Layout:

Example 2: Edit the paddings of the Layout that has Text and Button Items within it → adding the paddings back to Text Item:

How can I edit the text in the menu item?

To edit the menu, you need to click on the section you want to change → change the name → change the link. You can also add additional sections using Add new item button on the right side menu.

What does "sending in progress" stand for in email campaigns? How do I send campaigns immediately? How do I schedule campaigns?

If you see a status that says sending in progress next to your email campaign, this indicates that your email campaign has been scheduled to be sent and that the sending process has already been started.

At the Send step of creating an email campaign, you can decide if you want to send the email immediately or schedule it for later.

How do I use TZO? Where can I find this feature?

If you have a list of subscribers in different time zones and want to schedule your message at a specific time based on where the contact is located, you can go for the subscriber's time zone option, as shown in the screenshot above. This feature identifies customers' time zone by IP address. The IP addresses can be collected only via Omnisend signup forms.

How can I send a campaign to specific customers?

If you want to send a campaign to a single specific contact, you can create a segment with their email only and then send your campaign only to this segment.

For this, create a segment based on the Email address filter → type in customer's email address.

If you need to send an email to a specific group of contacts, but they cannot be segmented in a single segment, we can recommend importing the file with their email addresses (if they are already present in Omnisend, they will just get updated - no duplicates will be created) and assign a tag for them that you will be able to base your segment on.

When sending a campaign, you can select your segment from the list:

How can I resolve the "Invalid data provided for 'link' field' error?

If you see this error, the message will typically have a button that you can press to be directed to the problematic block for this click "Review issue." This error is connected to invalid format of the links; the link you add has to be in a full format, as copied from the search bar, which looks like this →

If you have recently changed social media links in Brands assets, make sure to double-check if they have the right format too.

Can I have separate logos for desktop and mobile viewers?

You can have any item visible separately on mobile, desktop, or both types of devices. We suggest creating different layouts for each device to have full control over the Logo size.

Step 1. Adjust the Logo size as you would like it to be shown on the Desktop. Click on your current Logo → Layout tab (right side menu) → scroll down → Visibility on devices → select Desktop Only.

Step 2. Add a new Layout → Drag&Drop another Logo item → adjust its size for mobile view → double-check the size in Preview → select Logo → Layout → Visibility on devices → Mobile only.

When I add a Discount Item and select to apply it to Collection only, I get 2 options: smart and custom collection; which one do I choose?

A custom collection is a collection that is manually created by you, then you can select and add specific products to that collection. Custom collections are often used to group similar products together for promotional purposes or to make it easier for customers to find related products.

On the other hand, a smart collection is a collection that is created automatically based on specific rules or parameters that you set. These rules can be based on product attributes such as price, vendor, product type, tags, and other criteria. For example, you might create a smart collection that includes all products priced between $50 and $100 or a collection that includes all products from a specific vendor.

Smart collections use logic-based rules to determine which products should be included in the collection. You can set up the rules so that all conditions must be met (AND) or some conditions must be met (OR). Once the rules are set up, the collection is updated automatically, so any new products that meet the criteria will be added to the collection.

So, the main difference between custom and smart collections is that custom collections are manually created and managed, while smart collections are created and updated automatically based on pre-defined rules and conditions.

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