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Integration with Shoplazza
Ira avatar
Written by Ira
Updated over a week ago

Shoplazza is a shopping cart commerce technology company that provides differentiated value by offering technology that is easy to start, market, and manage online stores of any size.


Before you start

If you don't have an account with Omnisend just yet, you'll need to create one first. This article will help you to do it: Creating Omnisend Account. Once the account is created, you can proceed with the steps described in the Setup Process section.

Setup process

Within your Shoplazza store dashboard, select 'Apps' from admin settings on the left. Go to the 'App store' and find Omnisend among other Marketing apps:

Click the 'Install app' button on the next step:

The Omnisend app will be added to your 'Apps' list in Shoplazza.

Now proceed to your Omnisend account and click the 'Connect your store' button on the Dashboard page:

Then select Shoplazza among other Ecom platforms:

Copy the API key that has been generated automatically:

Then proceed back to your Shoplazza account and paste it into the 'API key' field on the Omnisend integration page in your Shoplazza account.

Once you click the 'Save' button, the integration will be enabled and Shoplazza will start passing data to Omnisend.

Now go back to your Omnisend account and check if the API connection works correctly by clicking the 'Check API Connection' button:

That's it! You'll land on the Dashboard page, it means that the integration has been enabled successfully:

What features are supported

What Data is Passed


All the contact data that is added to your 'Customers' tab in your Shoplazza admin will be passed to Omnisend right away. Here's an example when contact is added manually in Shoplazza admin:

Contacts collected on checkout or with Shoplazza Signup forms will be passed to Omnisend as well.

Note! Contacts passed from Shoplazza won't trigger the Welcome automation. If you want to send a Welcome email to these contacts, you can setup a segment for all the email channel subscribers and trigger Automation workflow for anyone who enters this segment, as it's explained here: Welcome workflow alternatives.


All orders placed by your customers will be synced to Omnisend right away. You can set up an Order Confirmation workflow to send email/SMS messages after the order is placed. Order statuses in Shoplazza are mapped to Omnisend order statuses as shown in the tables below:

Order payment statuses in Omnisend

Order payment statuses in Shoplazza



Partially paid




Partially refunded






Order fulfillment statuses in Omnisend

Order fulfillment statuses in Shoplazza



In progress

Shipped/Partially shipped


Finished/Partially finished


Finished/Partially finished



You can all of these statuses to set up Order Confirmation, Shipping Confirmation and other Order-based workflows.


All the products from your Shoplazza admin are synced to Omnisend and you're able to segment based on their names/variants/categories/etc.

Note! When you add a new product to your store, it'll be synced to Omnisend only after a new order is placed. It shouldn't be an order for this specific new product that you've added, but any product in your store.

This also allows you to use our Product picker in the Product listing block to build your email content faster:


Can I send Product Abandonment emails to my Shoplazza store customers? Product Abandonment data isn't passed through this integration for now.


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